DO IT ORGANIC makes organic agriculture visibly valuable

Press release

Barneveld, September 23rd 2024 – Today, on EU Organic Day, DO IT ORGANIC proudly and optimistically announces the following. The company will, by means of four ambassadors from all tiers of the company, henceforth actively embrace the four basic principles of organic agriculture, namely: Care, Health, Ecology and Fairness.

In doing so, DO IT ORGANIC wishes to not only emphasize the importance of organic agriculture and food, but to also inspire other links in the chain to work together towards a better world. These four ambassadors will bring the principles to life and strengthen their purposeful message ‘Together for our planet’.

In a world confronted with climate change, a decline in biodiversity, and different health challenges, DO IT ORGANIC as organic wholesale company and crucial link in the food chain sees it as its responsibility to actively promote organic agriculture. “Organic means more than a quality mark; it is a conscious choice for the future of our planet and the wellbeing of our society,” says Hendrik Wijnen, CEO of DO IT ORGANIC. The company therefore wants to help increase customer and consumer awareness about the substantial advantages brought by organic agriculture to both people and planet.

‘Organic’ as a term can come across as vague to many. Thorough knowledge on the fundamentals of organic agriculture isn’t necessarily widespread. With the introduction of the four ambassadors, the company aims to clarify the four basic principles and to shed light on the meaning of and behind ‘organic’.

What is the meaning of these principles?

Organic agriculture is based on the four principles as drawn up by IFOAM – Organics International, the global umbrella organization of the organic agriculture- and food sector. DO IT ORGANIC proudly presents the ambassadors, with a short specification of the values they represent.

  1. Care (ambassador Dominique Flederus) – Organic agriculture should be managed in a precautionary and responsible manner to protect the health and well-being of current and future generations and the environment.
  2. Health (ambassador Mireille Hakken) – Organic agriculture should sustain and enhance the health of soil, plant, animal, human and planet as one and inseparable.
  3. Ecology (ambassador Noah Timp) – Organic agriculture should be based on living ecological systems and cycles, work with them, emulate them and help sustain them.
  4. Fairness (ambassador Koen Swart) – Organic agriculture should build on relationships that ensure fairness with regard to the common environment and life opportunities.

Organic expert and external advisor Michaël Wilde (The Organic Embassy) praises this initiative by DO IT ORGANIC. “It’s absolutely great to see a business wholeheartedly embrace the organic principles and put them to practice. We want to inspire consumers and all stakeholders to proactively choose organic, and intensifying our message on the principles of IFOAM is a very important step in contributing to a truly greener, healthier and fairer food chain.”

With this new focus on promoting the core values of organic agriculture, DO IT ORGANIC hopes to not only guarantee its positive impact, but also to inspire others to actively contribute to a better world.


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